The Ridge
Youth Ministries
Kingdom Concept:
We want to actively pursue the heart of God by igniting a passion in youth to follow Jesus in the adventure, freedom, and peace discovered when we walk with Him.
Accepting Christ's invitation to follow Him, then inviting others to join the journey.
Inspiration: Psalm 18:2 (NEV)
The Lord is my high ridge, my stronghold, my deliverer. My God is my rocky summit where I take shelter, my shield, the horn that saves me, and my refuge.
R - Reach youth in our community
I - Ignite a passion for Jesus
D - Deepen Biblical wisdom
G - Guide spiritual growth
E - Equip students to stand & to serve for a lifetime
Youth today exist in a world of options, opinions, and relativity; navigating what is true and right can be overwhelming. At Grace Bible Church, we want to reach out into the chaos of today's youth and inspire them to press on to a place of stillness and sanctity: a cross on a ridge.
We wholly trust that the Bible is the inspired word of God and that a personal relationship with Jesus is the catalyst to living a life of freedom in truth.
We want every youth to stand confident in the promise that God's love for us is so deep that He made the ultimate sacrifice in His son, Jesus Christ, so that we could choose to live forever with Him beyond this life.
Our goal is to inspire a generation of youth who fearlessly live against the cultural pressure of mediocrity, and while they are not of this world, selflessly go out into the world to follow Jesus into the darkness so it will be vanquished with His eternal light.
Climb on!
Directors of Student Ministries