Saturday, February 10, 2024
Today, in our study of Acts chapter 21, we see yet another riot start because of Paul's preaching about Jesus. Why are the Jews so hostile? And why doesn't Paul just stop talking about Jesus, or at least be a little more discrete? What is it that he thinks is so important that he's ready to be imprisoned, or even to die? Join us as we consider these challenging questions.
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Saturday, February 3, 2024
Today we cover... no, we just barely scratch the surface, of a major topic in the Bible: Prophecy. In today's passage, Acts 21:1-14, the subject of prophecy is mentioned three times. Prophecy is fascinating to Christians and non-Christians everywhere, because we all want to know what will happen in the future. So join us as we look at the basics of the idea of prophecy, what it is and what it isn't.
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Saturday, January 27, 2024
What woud you say to someone you care about if you knew you would never meet again? You would not waste time on small talk, you'd say what's on your heart - important things, personal things. In today's passage, Acts 20, we see Paul say his farewells to people he loved, cutting through small talk to share what's most important. Join us as we consider his words.
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Saturday, January 20, 2024
Ephesus, one of the greatest cities of the ancient world, was in total chaos over this new belief by the people called Christians, leading to a riot in an aphitheater seating over 25,000 people. As Christianity made it's way across the ancient world, opposition arose in many cities. In Ephesus, it was over financial and religious concerns. In our world opposition arises over those same issues, but in this election year, we see opposition rising in many ways. Join us as we dig into Acts 19:23-41.
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Saturday, January 13, 2024
Have you ever begged God for a miracle, but it never happened? Have you wondered why, especially since miracles seem to happen all the time in the Bible? Maybe the problem is not God's response to us (or lack thereof) but our misplaced expectation. Join us as Pastor Dave leads us through Acts 19:8-22, a passage filled with remarkable events, and how those events should affect our understanding of what it means to be a Christian.
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Saturday, January 6, 2024
Do things seem difficult? Or at least harder than they used to be? Are you finding Murphy’s Law to be more prevalent at times – What can go wrong. Will go wrong… As we get into the message take hope in the fact that God is in control and He has given us a Helper: The Holy Spirit. We are promised that He is our Helper and advocate, and we are filled with the same power that rose Christ from the dead. So take hope that God is not only WITH us, but IN us and UPON us.
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Saturday, December 30, 2023
How big could your faith grow if you knew that God had you covered on all sides? Often, we face anxiety and stress, and struggle to give God the fullness of ourselves because we fail to recognize that He is an all-encompassing protector. In today’s sermon, Brandon Johnson leads us through Psalm 31:3, a rich and faith-enhancing verse that reveals David’s confidence in a God who’s protection was there for him in a time of great trouble, and is still there for us in our time!
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Saturday, December 23, 2023
Turmoil, anger, fear, anxiety - these things drag at our hearts, keeping us awake at night, pulling us down into despair. But life doesn't have to be this way. Two thousand years ago a child was born and angels spoke of peace on earth. OK, but then why does peace seem so hard to come by? Is it really possible to experience a quiet, peaceful heart? Some 27 centuries ago, the prophet Isaiah said that the child born in Bethlehem would be known as the Prince of Peace. Join us as we consider how this truth can become a reality in our lives.
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Saturday, December 16, 2023
Today we're taking a look at the third of four titles that the prophet Isaiah used to describe a child that would be born some 700 years later. Isaiah said that in addition to being the Wonderful Counselor and the Mighty God, this child woud be the Everlasting Father. Now, wait... if Jesus is the Son of God how can he also be the Everlasting Father? Join us as we consider how that title can be used to describe a newborn infant.
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Saturday, December 9, 2023
Today we continue looking at the titles or descriptions that the prophet Isaiah used to describe a child that would be born some 700 years later. (Guess who the child was....) The Hebrew term Isaiah used was "El Gibbor." The word El means Mighty. The adjective Gibbor, means ... well, Mighty. He says that the child to be born would be the Mighty, Mighty God. But how can an infant be the Mighty, Mighty God? Good question! Join us as we consider the identity of the child born in Bethlehem.
Click here to watch - Livestream starts at 10 AM Pacific Time